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Do You Need Trauma Counselling? Signs, Benefits, and Recovery Steps

Do You Need Trauma Counselling? Signs, Benefits, and Recovery Steps

Trauma leaves a lasting impact on a person's mental health and is characterised by an emotional scar, the extent of which is frequently dictated by how overwhelming the experience was. Injury, environmental disaster, life-threatening events, or emotional abuse can traumatise in ways that may not be evident in the immediate. However, on a more internal level, this could be pronounced in how an individual sees himself, others, and the world.

Can EMDR Therapy Help You? What to Know About  This Trauma Treatment

Can EMDR Therapy Help You? What to Know About This Trauma Treatment

If you’ve been curious about EMDR therapy or are considering it as a way to heal  from  trauma, anxiety, or other emotional challenges, you’re in the right place. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) represents a strong evidence-based therapy that has relieved many and given them back their lives. Allow us to further dissect the concept into simple, easy-to-grasp statements so that you can tell if it fits you perfectly.

The Importance of Setting Boundaries in Couple Relationships

The Importance of Setting Boundaries in Couple Relationships

In the intricate dance of love and partnership, setting boundaries is akin to choreographing the steps that keep both dancers in harmony. Boundaries are the invisible yet crucial lines that define where one person ends and another begins, fostering respect, individuality, and mutual understanding between partners.

Understanding the Telltale Signs: Exploring Anxiety Symptoms

Understanding the Telltale Signs: Exploring Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is a natural human emotion that we all experience from time to time. It's our body's way of responding to perceived threats or stressful situations. However, when anxiety becomes persistent, excessive, and interferes with our daily lives, it may be a sign of an anxiety disorder that could benefit from anxiety counselling.